Lean Startup vs. Agile: What's the Difference And Which is Better for Startups?

March 22, 2022

Lean Startup vs. Agile: What's the Difference And Which is Better for Startups?


Starting a new business is one of the most thrilling yet challenging experiences of an entrepreneur's life. In today's rapidly evolving business world, adopting the right development methodology is crucial to ensure product success. Two popular methodologies that have gained popularity over the years are Lean Startup and Agile methodologies. Although both methods share similar goals, they utilize different techniques to achieve those goals. In this blog post, we will compare Lean Startup and Agile methodologies' features to determine which is better suited for startups.

Understanding the Lean Startup Methodology

The Lean Startup methodology is a product development process that focuses on validating ideas by getting feedback from end-users. Based on the feedback received, entrepreneurs can make data-driven decisions to improve the product's functionality, ensuring that it meets end-users' needs.

Compared to Agile, Lean Startup focuses more on the overall business model and how the product fits into the market. It is designed specifically for startups because it emphasizes the importance of developing a sustainable business model before investing time, effort, and resources into building the product.

Understanding Agile Methodology

Agile is a software development methodology that involves a collaborative and iterative approach to product development. It enables cross-functional teams to plan, design, build, test, and deploy software solutions faster and more efficiently. Agile focuses more on the product development process, enabling teams to deliver value frequently to customers.

The Agile methodology is made up of four main values: individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. With these values, Agile emphasizes customer satisfaction and continuous improvement, making it a popular methodology in software development.

How Lean Startup and Agile Differ

While there is some overlap between the Lean Startup and Agile methodologies, they approach product development differently. The Lean Startup methodology emphasizes the development of a sustainable business model first, testing it on end-users before building the product. In contrast, Agile methodology focuses on delivering working software in successive iterations, allowing teams to respond to feedback and make changes along the way.

Moreover, the Lean Startup methodology is broader and encompasses a wider scope beyond product development. It seeks to create a sustainable business model and product while Agile focuses more on the process of building the product.

Which is Best for Startups?

As a startup, understanding your organization's specific needs, customers, and goals is vital to choosing the right methodology. Both Lean Startup and Agile can be effective if well implemented.

The decision to choose one methodology over the other depends on the business needs, budget, and timelines. However, our research shows that Lean Startup might be better suited for startups with a limited budget and those starting fresh with a new business idea. It emphasizes the importance of the overall business model, something that is often overlooked in the early stages of product development. Agile, on the other hand, is best suited for startups that have a better understanding of the product they want to build and have clearly defined requirements.


In conclusion, both Lean Startup and Agile methodologies have their unique approaches to product development. Choosing the right one for your startup depends on several factors that include but are not limited to business goals, product timeline, and budget. Ultimately, picking the right methodology comes down to understanding your organization's specific needs and goals, but if you're a startup with a new business idea, Lean Startup might be the way to go.


  1. Ries, E. (2011). The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Currency.

  2. Agile Alliance, What is Agile? https://www.agilealliance.org/agile101/

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